Hello, a blessed and refreshing day to you my dearly beloved.
You are welcome to the Arise devotional for today Friday the 9th of August 2024 on the platform of the Builders Forum.
My name is Abraham Olufemi Ojeme.
Today is the fourth day on our Arise devotional series for this week with the topic;
Since the beginning of the week, we have been deliberating on the issue of the wisdom of management.
And our focus had been on the management of time.
We affirmed that time means virtually everything as far as destiny is concerned.
When time is not well managed, no matter how much of it you have, it becomes meaningless.
Take a listen to Moses in Ps. 90:9-12 and please permit me to read TPT.
9 We are banished to live in the shadow of your anger. Our days soon become years until our lifetime comes to an end, finished with nothing but a sigh.
10 You’ve limited our life span to a mere seventy years, yet some you give grace to live still longer. But even the best of years are marred by tears and toils, and in the end with nothing more than a gravestone in a graveyard! We’re gone so quickly, so swiftly; we pass away and simply disappear.
11 Lord, who fully knows the power of your passion and the intensity of your emotions?
12 Help us to remember that our days are numbered, and help us to interpret our lives correctly. Set your wisdom deeply in our hearts so that we may accept your correction.
Moses concluded in the above scripture that, except you understand the wisdom of time management, you can never live a fulfilled life. How true!
And you remember, Moses lives for 120 years and Bible said, his strength didn’t fail and his eyes were never dim. That definitely was a man worth listening to.
His final admonition is that, with the wisdom of the management of time, you will have the enablement to correctly interpret life.
We have therefore defined time and yesterday, we deliberated extensively on what it takes to manage time.
Please listen again and again to all the earlier editions of the week. Hallelujah!
Our focus for today is another very powerful resource God has placed in the trust of man and that is MONEY.
We may perhaps expend the entire remaining days of this week on this single resource called money.
Not much because of its importance, but much more because of the danger of its ignorance.
Let’s begin with what the scriptures say about money.
We shall look at the Old Testament and the New Testament.
There is no better person to begin with in the Old Testament than the wealthiest man in the Bible days and that is king Solomon.
Take a listen to Eccl. 7:12 and please permit me to read the ERV translation.
(ERV) Wisdom and money can protect you. But knowledge gained through wisdom is even better—it can save your life.
Money and wisdom are placed on the same platform but what will make the difference is the knowledge to effectively manage them.
The Bible actually doesn’t present money as evil as some people may want to imply.
It is the knowledge of management that determines which side of the scale it tilts.
Take a listen to Solomon again in Eccl. 10:19 and please permit me to read the GW translation.
(GW) A meal is made for laughter, and wine makes life pleasant, but money is the answer for everything.
Really? Money is the answer for everything?
That statement is also subject to the wisdom of management.
If you have the know how , it will answer for you.
Now, let’s turn to the New Testament for the revelation about money.
And there is no better place to start than from Jesus Christ.
Take a listen to Matt. 6:24 and please permit me to read the AMPC translation.
(AMPC)“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stand by and be devoted to the one and despise and be against the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (deceitful riches, money, possessions, or whatever is trusted in).”
Here, Jesus have an unambiguous classification of money.
If you lack it’s adequate management money will do the followings;
- It will be your master.
- It will be a god unto you.
- It will possess you.
- It will corrupt your devotion.
- It will make you to despise the true God
That is scary! You mean as innocent as money looks it can be that destructive?
Yes, that is what the scriptures say. It is therefore imperative to have a good enough knowledge of money.
And that takes us to the million dollar question.
What is money?
We shall begin to answer that question from tomorrow. Hallelujah!
Meanwhile, please let me pray for you.
- I plead the blood of the everlasting covenant against whatever will tamper with your true devotion to God.
- Every distraction to your heavenly race is cursed today.
- I pray for focus for you as you serve the Lord.
- I take authority over whatever is contesting the pace of Jesus Christ in your life.
- Receive spiritual understanding for the wisdom of management today.
- Your life will not end in disorder.
- The Lord plants your feet on the path of destiny.
- You will not fail neither will you faulter.
- Grace begins to answer for you henceforth.
Welcome to your season of fulfillments. Congratulations. Amen and amen. Peace!