*“Few of you understand the depth of commitment I have made with you. I have covenanted with you and sealed that covenant with the blood of Jesus. There is no more unbreakable agreement ever made. That means that I have placed Myself and My integrity on the line so that you can be safe. You need to study what you entered into when Jesus became your Lord. You would be amazed how much My commitment to you is at work every moment of every day.”*
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life

The astounding mercy of God was made evident upon the arrival of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. His power was made evident when Jesus was raised from the dead. His covenant with us was sealed forever at the cross.
You and I function daily under the power of the most incredible agreement, made especially for us. Jesus is the mediator of a covenant so wonderful that we will bask in the results of its far-reaching impact for eternity. Yahweh Shalom!
Thank You, Lord
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By Jim Corbett