TimeTestedNews ||Kumuyi urges Nigerians: Make sacrifices for one another


The General Superintendent of Deeper Christian Life Ministry, William Kumuyi, has appealed to Nigerians to make sacrifices for one another as change agents rather than being self-centred.

Kumuyi made the appeal on Saturday night in Port Harcourt during a Global Men’s Conference organised by the Change Makers International (CMI).


Kumuyi, who is the Convener of CMI, spoke on “Refreshing and refining change makers.”

He said that when refreshing comes in a man’s life, he sees something afresh and looks at something refreshingly.


According to him, when a man allows God to mold his life, he will come out refined (Isaiah 28:12).

“There have been times when the people thought that the world is flat but the world is spherical.

“Tthere has been a time when men do not know how the brain functions, but now people know and the changes are making a difference.

“If there is no time of reflecting or refreshing, there will be no change.

“If we continue the same way since the civil war to democratic laws and nobody reflects on change, where are we going to be as a country by 2030?

“We need rethinking and refreshing to have rest, peace and unity in our families and country, we will come up with solutions that will refine and change our country for good (Malachi 3:3).

Kumuyi further said that for the country to change for the better, change makers should recover the heart of their inner being (Proverbs 4:23).

“Everyone has to give an account of how he lived his life on earth.

“When the heart is stoney, when a heart is not of God, when a heart is negative, when a heart does not have sympathy and compassion, not doing good things, when the heart is selfish, then that heart is gone.

“The person has no heart because he has lost the good heart created by God (1 Samuel 10:9).

“When we do not care about the feelings of our people, we do not feel their hurt or burden, then we need a change of heart,” he said.

The clergyman also said that God would create in man a new heart, if he repented of his negative actions, start caring for others selflessly and living positively.

“We should have a heart to help others, build hospitals to save lives, help train underprivileged children in schools or skills and not have a stoney heart that does not feel and help our neighbours,” he said.

Kumuyi further said that having a heart of flesh is not a theoretical thing but a  practical life.

“God will give us a new vision, new vigour and new vitality (Ephesians 16)”, he said.

He asked: “In restoring the health of our intimate ward, what relationship do you have with people that are around you, your siblings, your friends, your communities?

“Do we say healthy language to one another? (Proverbs 16:23, Proverbs 17:22).”

He said that when we have good relationships with our wards, hearts are restored and are healthy.

Kumuyi also advised Nigerians to eat the varieties God has given to man in fruits, vegetables, roots and meat, and drink enough good water.
