You do not get a raise on the promise of better performance;
you get a raise on the demonstration of better performance
- Anonymous
We have discussed in some detail, the power inherent in the practice of audible autosuggestion, pointing out that we can actually speak to ourselves words tallying with our desires.As we keep reaffirming what we desire to our own loud hearing in our moments of devotion and meditation, the subconscious mind catches the message and influences conscious actions and efforts on a continuous basis. We have also seen how King David and the Lord Jesus Christ employed this principle extensively in the course of their earthly lives.
The twin principle of autosuggestion is virtue assumption, and it is a complementary philosophy.
The principle of virtue assumption
Some would define virtue as goodness or moral excellence, but in my opinion, virtue is any positive attribute that one may have or desire in order to become a better human being.
You may desire to be a more knowledgeable person, a better qualified person, a more resource-prudent person or even a more patient person. The position of this principle is that your getting there will be made easier if you start assuming that virtue now in faith and start acting according to your new ‘assumptions’.
How the principle works
For instance, if you desire to be a more resource-prudent person (you want to spend your money more wisely), start by assuming you are a more prudent person already.
Fix in your mind the image of a hypothetical individual, say Mr. P. who is much more prudent than yourself and whose prudence you would like to emulate. Then constantly ask yourself at every point and especially at moments of expenditure the questions; How would Mr. P act in this situation? How would he budget his money? What would he buy and what wouldn’t he? What investment decisions would he take and how would he ensure that he is taking care of his future so that his future would take care of him in return? Then go right ahead and act in like manner. That, in essence, is virtue assumption. You are already assuming a virtue you desire in Mr. P.
Look out for ‘virtuous’ associates
You may even be more fortunate if you have a particular friend, relative or colleague in whom you see a virtue you desire. Just tailor your behaviour towards his or hers along these lines (of course making allowances for individual differences) and with time and the repetition of actions, the concept of habit would take over and these repeated actions would sooner or later become one of your habits too.
Are you a student who wants to make fantastic grades? Assume the virtues of students that make such grades, including hard work, network studying and determination.
Assume that virtue, now!
As I mentioned earlier in this book, upon my entry into the University of Benin in the mid-80s, I resolved to make very good grades and discreetly wrote in a small corner of my jotter the resolve that I would make ‘all round above-90 As!’ Such was my resolve, and this was backed up with the appropriate actions. I was assuming the virtues of a studious person.
As it is popularly said, you aim for the sun so that you would at least land on the moon, which is not a bad bargain: I did not make all-round above 90 ‘As’ but I ended up making quite good grades, and this was simply because I assumed the resolve and virtues of students that were doing well.
Stay inspired, assume the right virtues, and make the most of your life!