
This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
Galatians 5: 16
There are two major drivers on earth: The Spirit and the flesh. The flesh accommodates another driver who usually cannot function without it. This other driver that hides in mister flesh is called satan.
Did you know that the devil can do nothing except the flesh cooperates with him? Anywhere you see the enemy at work, somebody somewhere has given him the room to function. He wanted to separate man from God, but he could not do it until Eve gave him the permission. He wanted to kill righteous Abel and Cain made it possible. He wanted to shed the blood of innocent children and Herod helped him. The list is endless. Don’t give yourself to the enemy by obeying your flesh.
Feelings are bad guides. The Spirit of God is Our Life Coach and Mentor in the Race. Surrender to the leadership of the Holy Ghost because those who are led by their flesh are strangers to the peace that The Lord gives. The flesh drives men recklessly around. It takes them into one church after another because they are easily offended. It makes them lose their friends and break relationships. It keeps men so busy destroying things that they think they are zealous. It blinds men to their own faults and makes them blame others. Instead of fearing The Lord, the people around the flesh-driven Christians fear to offend them and are careful to speak or act before them.
A sister left her church where she had put in so much labour because, according to her, some people hurt her deeply. One of the reasons she gave was that she could no longer freely worship The Lord with those brethren around. She had forgiven them she said, but she was just being careful. She left. After some years however, she regretted it because some people in her new church began to offend her almost in the ways her former brethren did. Your flesh wants to control you. Don’t let it because it does not know the way to Heaven and therefore cannot take you there. It is earthbound but you are Heaven bound. Let the Holy Spirit drive you as He drove Jesus. May you never give any room to the flesh.
1. Thank The Lord for your life.
2. Ask the Holy Spirit to be your pilot in life.
3. Pray that you will never obey your flesh.
4. Pray as the Lord leads you.
5. Thank Him for answers to your prayers.
Inspiring Quote
The presence of the flesh is not, however, an excuse for walking in it.
– C.I. Scofield
The Bible from cover to cover: Job 40 & Revelation 20.
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