The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
Psalm 23:1
When God prompts, He provides. It is 2021 , do you feel the prompting of the lord to do certain things? Is he softly nudging at your heart to do something new for The kingdom’s sake? Be sure that the provision like Abraham’s ram for sacrifice in Genesis 22:13 is not too far away.
Jesus leads His own. He is The Good Shepherd.
In His guidance, His people get into progress and He takes them one step at a time. Challenges are certain, prepare for them but understand that you are also an overcomer. The difficulties that come your way are not to bring you down. They are allowed as proofs that you are a victor in Christ, a winner and more than a conqueror. Between your journey on earth and your rest in heaven, the Bible does not promise that things will be rosy all the time, What it does promise is victory.
Be careful to obey the prompting of the lord. He knows tomorrow and wants to do you good all the time. As long as The Lord is your shepherd, you will not want. He knows where what you need is and He knows how to get you there. To see Him do uncommon things in your life, do what He tells you and trust in his ability to provide. God funds whatever He commands; He pays for the things He orders.
A sister heard the gentle whispers of the Holy Ghost to give to some people. She obeyed him and when she needed help, God provided for her in a miraculous way.
Be sure of this : God provides when He leads and you obey. May He nod at your moves in this year.
1. Thank The Lord for His provisions.
2. Give Him praise because He will never forget you.
3. Pray for the grace to obey His promptings.
4. Speak to Him about your day.
5. Give thanks.
God communes with us entirely in the spirit. When we say man’s spirit is dead, we are indicating is intuition is sensitive to God and His realities – Watchman Nee
The Bible from cover to cover : Job 37 and Revelation 17
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