Our Women Now Sleep On Trees for Their Safety – NEF | TimeTestedNews

The Northern Elders Forum (NEF) has stated that the insecurity in the North has gotten to a point where where women now sleep on trees for fear of attacks.

The NEF spokesman, Dr Hakeem Baba-Ahmed, revealed this while featuring on Arise News breakfast show monitored in Abuja yesterday.

He said there were villages where women sleep on the trees for safety in the North, a region with a president and 19 governors.

“I laughed because, how many are we enjoying? We have some villages where women have to go and climb trees to stay safe.

“This is not fiction. I’m talking about villages where in the night nobody stays in their houses they leave. For example, villages in Zamfara, Katsina and so many villages in the North, nobody stays home at night just to be safe,” Baba-Ahmed said.

He wondered why it was taking so long for the Buhari administration to tackle insecurity in the country, saying if given the opportunity, he will tell President Muhammadu Buhari that things are falling apart under his watch.

“If I have an opportunity to speak with the president, I will say: ‘Sir, please wake up and smell the coffee, this country is falling apart. It is in very serious danger, it is going down under your watch. You swore in 2015 and again in 2019 that you will protect citizens, the territorial integrity of Nigeria. Sorry, sir, you are not doing that, not doing it well or you are not doing it at all. And one of the things you should do is to call about 200 to 500 Nigerians, without any preconditions, and say: ladies and gentlemen, I believe that this government will benefit from some quality advice in terms of the way forward.’

“Two, take your governors more into confidence, speak to them. They are very important people. They have responsibilities under the constitution and they are able to carry out those responsibilities particularly on matters of security. What do you want? What can we do together? What can I do for you and what can we consider a legitimate idea or a crazy idea?

“Thirdly, please ask real questions about what is going on with the security in this country. Something is wrong. You keep changing things but we see the same result. We are becoming insecure by the day.

“Either it is your attitude as commander-in-chief of the armed forces or the people you trust to defend and protect us. There must be something about the security that you and the people who are fighting this country don’t understand.

“Why are we being so insecure? Why is it not possible for Nigerians to deal with banditry, kidnappings? These things two, three years ago do not exist. Is anybody asking these questions? Is it that you have this harmony in your security agencies? Do you have a way of finding out because we don’t have the time for you to fix this country at your own leisure and the rate you are going, you are too slow and people are smelling a vacuum around your government and this is why you see people saying we don’t want to be part of Nigeria,” Baba-Ahmed added.