No Increase Of Fuel Price In March-NNPC | TimeTestedNews


NNPC warns against hoarding, panic buying. Contrary to speculations of increase in the price of petrol in the country. The NNPC ruled out any increment in ex-depot prices in the month of March,2021.

A press’s release by the Group General Manager, Group Public Affairs Division, Dr. Kennie Obateru stated that the corporation was not contemplating any increase in the rise in the price of petrol in March, in order not to ruin ongoing engagements with arranged labour and other stakeholders on an acceptable framework that will expose the ordinary Nigerian to any form of hardship.


NNPC also warned against petroleum products marketers not to engage in arbitrary price increase or hoarding of premium motor spirit(petrol) in order not to develop artificial scarcity and unneccesary hardship for Nigerians.

It also called on important regulatory bodies to step up in observing activities of marketers with a view to sanctioning those that get involved in product hoarding or increase of pump price.