Nnamdi Kanu Never Ordered Sit-At-Home – Senator Abaribe


The Senate Minority Leader, Enyinnaya Abari­be, on Saturday expressed worry over insecurity challenges in South East, describing it as tragedy while revealing that the sit-at-home order, which has almost paralysed the South-East economical­ly was never ordered by leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu.

Abaribe, who stated this in Enugu on Sat­urday while speaking during the investiture of the 16th President of Enugu Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (ECCIMA), Barr. Jasper Nduagwuike, on Satur­day called on Ndigbo to concentrate on making the Southeast as the eco­nomic hub of Nigeria, irrespective of the out­come of their 2023 presi­dential quest.


He also lamented the negative effect of Mon­days sit-at-home on the economy of the region, saying rather than achieving anything good, the exercise had ended up driving businessmen away from the region.

He urged the business­men, industrialists and all stakeholders in the Southeast to emulate the people of Bavaria in Germany and Catalonia in Spain for jettisoning everything about ruling the countries, but con­centrating on making their regions economic hub of their countries.

“We want to turn the Southeast into the Cata­lonia of Spain, the big­gest industrial area in that country. It doesn’t matter that they are seeking for their own self-sufficiency.


“They still become the industrial hub of that place so that at the end, even if you are go­ing anywhere, you are going to become a viable country.

“If you destroy your place, where are you going to be when every­thing is destroyed.

“We want to turn the Southeast into the Ba­varia of Nigeria. Bavar­ia is the industrial hub of Germany today. No Bavarian has been made president of Germany because they are the peo­ple that are holding the economy.

“I want to task each and everyone of us es­pecially the chamber of commerce that our job is cut out for us,” he said

He said that the IPOB leader, Nnamdi Kanu, told him while in deten­tion that he neither or­dered, nor knew about the Monday sit-at-home which had continued to be observed in the South­east.
