‘Dying’ daily to multiply


Verily, verily, I say unto you, except a corn of wheat falls unto the ground and dies, it abideth alone; but if it dies, it bringeth forth much fruit

–  Jesus CHRIST in John 12:24


For the avoidance of doubt, we refer to ‘dying’ here as the process in which you give of yourself through hard and smart work, study, self-denial, giving, and meditation and the likes in order to live an exceptional life. The returns from this ‘dying’ process are so high that it is yet inexplicable. It is a mystery engendering from God’s statement that out of a man’s sweat he would eat.

The Master’s example

Christ laid down the example when He died so that He would multiply the kingdom of His Father; so that He wouldn’t be the only one qualified to be the Son of God.


But the kind of ‘death’ we need to ‘die’ to multiply our cause no longer has to be a terminal one but rather one of giving of ourselves, our resources, our time and our very lives to the cause of multiplying in our calling on Earth.

Sadly, many individuals go through life not being ready to give this much. Many are not even aware of this need even though they are surrounded by the few that have such knowledge and are ready to make such necessary commitment – the necessary ‘dying’ – to attain their cause and purpose on Mother Earth.

Mere witnesses

This lot who are unaware of the need – or unprepared to give the requisite commitment to life – are called witnesses, mere spectators. They are here as onlookers: to watch, comment and marvel at the achievements of those that are ready to ‘bear their cross and earn the crown’. They might be friends, family members, colleagues or even enemies. They are simply not prepared to apply the process as you are doing. Worse still, they may not even know of the process. They fail to realise that there is always a cause-and-effect linkage in all life processes, and that the effect cannot be divorced from the cause. Some of them may yield when you try to affect their lives for the better by telling them about the fundamentals but most of them would rather prefer you ‘give them the fish rather than teach them to fish’. They are called to witness only.

Nothing marvellous, nothing supernatural

Such people would keep marvelling at what is taking place in your life and regard you as an outstanding human being. They fail to realise that whatever is happening in your life can readily be replicated in theirs, if only they would be ready to give of themselves, to ‘die’ now in order to live abundantly soon. They fail to realise that the road one man has travelled is still available for others to tread, for mind is like mind.

My advice to you is that you render the most assistance you can – and which will not hurt you – to such people and then move on.

Affect yourself first

Furthermore, remember you will only be able to affect lives positively if you affect yours positively first. So daily renew your mind, your pronouncements and your deeds by reading good books, listening to good inspirational tapes, taking resolute action, and determining to give it just about all it takes to attain your goals legitimately. Commit yourself to a calling that will outlive you. Find your purpose in life by putting purpose in all you do. Make the very best of your life for that is indeed all you have got! Stay inspired and be ready to give of yourself, of your time and of your resources; be ready to ‘die’ daily to live and multiply abundantly and eternally. Do you get my drift? There indeed is a need to ‘die’ daily so as to live eternally!

Until next Friday, please stay INSPIRED in His presence!
