Don’t Worry – CJ Emmanuel | TimeTestedNews


And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

A pastor was heard lamenting that those he laboured over did not show him any appreciation. Most times they treated him in ways contrary to his expectation. This was a great burden to him because he had invested his life into the work and also made sacrifices. He was becoming weary in well doing because of the attitudes of those he cared about.


Don’t be weary in impressing the lord. When human beings show you no encouragement and you keep moving., Heaven claps for you. Have you been praying and its seems that the answer is in view. keep on! hold the torch! Don’t let it go out, God is touching the hearts of those you pray for. Layer by layer their resistance is being weakened.Just watch your thoughts, word and attitude.

When people do not appreciate your love, don’t be weary. Whenever your own children fail to reciprocate your love, don’t get tired. Should your spouse fail to love you back, don’t be tired . Watch your heart because as long as Jesus is in it , no one can break it.

God will reward you in due season if you do not faint. It is not necessarily where you sow that you will reap. You will reap what you sow where God chooses. Your children and their children will be blessed your enthusiastic goodness to others. Your old age is will be a time of joy and laughter because you have made the right investments. Don’t worry. May you always be passionate in well doing.



  1. Thank the lord because he does you well.
  2. Repent if you have been giving room to discouragement.
  3. Pray that God will help you not to be weary in well doing.
  4. Pray for discouraged Christians.
  5. Pray about today. Thank God.

Inspiring Quotes

Worry is like a rocking chair . It keeps you moving but doesn’t get you anywhere – Corrie Ten Boom

The Bible from cover to cover : Job 35 , Revelation 15

For prayer and counselling, please text/call
