Ayu Will Help PDP Recapture Power In 2023 — Hayatu-Deen


Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of FSB International Bank Plc, Alhaji Mohammed Ha­yatu-Deen, has said that the national chairman of the Peo­ples Democratic Party (PDP), Dr. Iyorchia Ayu, has the vi­sion and boldness to lead the party to recapture power from the All Progressives Congress (APC) in 2023.

Hayatu-Deen, who is also an economist, said this on Sun­day, at an interactive session with leaders of the PDP, Bor­no State chapter, at Forsham Event Hall, Maiduguri.


Alhaji Hayatu-Deen also used the occasion to formally declare his intention to join the membership of the PDP.

The accomplished econ­omist also explained that he decided to join the PDP amid overtures from other political parties because the opposition has a structured national out­look and has pulled its act to­gether based on the disciplined and seamless manner it con­ducted elections for various party offices and organs.

However, the former chair­man of the Nigerian Econom­ic Summit Group (NESG), identified the astute person­ality of Dr. Ayu, as one of the profound reasons for standing with the PDP.


Besides, he added that they both share a common view that the Nigerian people are better off if everyone joins forces to build a united, inclu­sive, equitable and just society.

Alhaji Hayatu-Deen, who was Dr. Ayu’s classmate and friend from their early days in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, said throughout their academic days and in the de­cades that have ensued, they have remained glued as intel­lectual soul mates and spar­ring partners.

He said, “The Peoples Dem­ocratic Party is one of two ma­jor political parties in Nigeria, and it has a national outlook. As a matter of fact, PDP was a pioneer party when Nigeria came out of military rule 21 years ago and ruled the coun­try for 16 years. In the period that it was on the saddle, it had accumulated substantial expe­rience in governing.

“In the 6 years hence that it has been in opposition, I believe it has had time to re­flect on its achievements and failures and it seems apparent that it has taken some lessons on board as it reboots its strat­egy to recapture power in 2023.

“But one of my most pro­found reasons for standing with the PDP has to do with my abiding faith and implicit trust in Dr. Iyorchia Ayu, the newly minted Chairman of the Party. Dr. Ayu is a unique­ly gifted and astute political leader and statesman who has the vision, the boldness and courage of his conviction to provide the kind of lead­ership that the party and the nation deserve at this hour of need.”

While expressing his de­sire to contribute to econom­ic well-being of the Nigerian people as well as the burning issues of insecurity on the platform of the PDP, the for­mer Presidential Advisory Committee member, stressed the need for citizens’ action and participation in political affairs.

“One of the commend­able traditions of the Peoples Democratic Party for most of its governing history lies in its ability to foster a climate con­ducive to cross-fertilisation of ideas, openness and debate.”

He also used the occasion to explain the efforts of his NGO, the Renaissance Development Forum, at devoting consider­able intellectual and financial resources towards the vexing issue of the 14 million out-of-school children.

“Similarly, in my home state of Borno, we have re­cently kick-started a nascent NGO – Borno Development Foundation – which seeks to foster long-term sustainable development in Borno State as a means of fast-tracking the reconstruction, rehabili­tation and transformation of the state during the post insur­gency phase,” he said.
